Root Canal Procedure 101: What to Expect Before & After

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Each year more than 15 million root canal procedures are performed across the globe. Generally speaking, the root canal gets a bad rap. 

In fact, you’ve probably even heard the expression: I’d rather have a root canal than … Fill in the blank with other less desirable things. 

Would it surprise you to know that 54% of people would rather sing the national anthem at a sporting event than get a root canal? How about the 57% who would rather spend an hour in a room with ten spiders? 55% of people would rather be trapped in an elevator than go have the dreaded root canal.

Of course, the root canal is getting a bad rap here. Advancements in dental care have made the root canal procedure much easier and more tolerable than its reputation would suggest. 

So, if you’re about to have a root canal, what should you expect? What do you need to do before your root canal? Most importantly, what should you expect to feel following your root canal procedure?

Read on to learn everything you need to know about your upcoming root canal procedure. 

What Is a Root Canal Procedure?

root canal procedure

A root canal is a dental procedure that addresses a need in the inner part of your tooth. Like the skin on your body or the bones inside your body, your teeth have many layers. You know from your regular dental care how important it is to brush and floss to care for the visible layers of your teeth. 

The inside layer of your tooth is made up of dental pulp. When a problem arises in the dental pulp, then you need to have a root canal. Typically, the dental pulp becomes infected. This can happen because of an untreated cavity or a crack or chip in the tooth.

The dentist will remove the infected dental pulp during the root canal, seal the tooth up, and then place a crown on the tooth to protect it going forward. 

What Is Dental Pulp?

In order to better understand the root canal procedure and what happens during and after the root canal, you need to know what the dentist is doing during the root canal. 

Below the enamel layer of your teeth is dentin. Dentin is a soft layer of your tooth, and it has a chamber with the dental pulp in it. 

This dental pulp contains the blood vessels of the tooth, nerves, and connective tissues. This is the reason when you feel pain in your tooth; your dentist will consider whether there’s a problem in the dental pulp and a root canal is necessary.

Signs You Might Need a Root Canal Procedure

root canal procedure at the dentist

You may go to your dentist with pain in your mouth. Your teeth will tell you, almost always, when there’s an issue that needs to be addressed. 

There are some signs you may need a root canal treatment. These signs include:

      • Gum swelling 

      • Deep cavity

      • Tooth discoloration

      • Sensitivity to cold and hot substances in your mouth

      • Severe pain in your mouth

      • Severe toothaches

      • Gum discoloration

    Your teeth are working to communicate with you when you feel pain after chewing or applying pressure to your teeth.

    Before the Root Canal

    Aside from paying attention to how your mouth is communicating with you, you don’t need to do much to prepare for your root canal. 

    If you felt pain or had another symptom, you’ve done the critical step to prepare for the root canal. You got it checked out.

    What Happens During the Root Canal Procedure?

    The root canal procedure is most often broken up into three separate appointments. The first appointment is the most significant part of the procedure. 

    When you arrive for your root canal, your mouth will be given a local anesthetic. You shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure. 

    The dentist will protect the tooth area that’s being worked on so they don’t infect other teeth around the tooth. The dentist will drill into the tooth to get to the problem area. 

    They will remove any infected dental pulp. Then the tooth will be scrubbed to be certain no infection is left. 

    Then the tooth is sealed. The dentist uses a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha to fill in the areas where they removed the infection. 

    This helps to secure the hollowed-out tooth.  Following the root canal procedure, a temporary crown will be put in place while your tooth heals. 

    A short time after this appointment, you’ll see the dentist again to have a perminant crown placed on the tooth to keep it strong. 

    Things to Know for Right After Your Root Canal 

    Immediately after the root canal, your mouth will still feel numb from the local anesthetic. If you feel okay about it, you should be able to drive yourself. You had only a local anesthetic for the procedure.

    Some people might even opt to return to work following the procedure. 

    As the anesthetic wears off, you will feel some tenderness. The nerves in the tooth will be reacting to all that’s happened inside the tooth. 

    You want to avoid chewing directly on the tooth for a while. You probably also want to avoid very cold or hot foods while the nerves settle down. 

    What to Expect After the Procedure

    You can expect to resume your normal activities following a root canal procedure and shouldn’t face any limitations. You may have some normal sensitivity for several days following the procedure. 

    You should resume your regular oral dental hygiene practices to keep the tooth clean.

    The dentist will want to see you again within a few weeks to place the crown on the tooth. Again, this crown helps to strengthen the tooth so it can remain strong and healthy going forward. 

    Be Prepared for Your Root Canal Procedure

    Advances in dentistry have made the root canal procedure much less daunting than its reputation deserves. Be prepared for some light pain and sensitivity that goes away relatively quickly after the procedure. 

    If you’re experiencing dental pain or just need to find a dentist to take over your dental care, we can help. Contact us today to set up your appointment. 

    Root Canal Procedure: Before & After FAQs

    Some signs that you might need a root canal include gum swelling, deep cavity, tooth discoloration, sensitivity to hot and cold substances, severe toothaches, and gum discoloration.

    There’s not much preparation needed. If you experience pain or other symptoms, getting it checked by a dentist is crucial before the root canal.

    After the root canal, your mouth will feel numb from the local anesthetic. As it wears off, you may experience some tenderness. It’s best to avoid chewing on the treated tooth for a while and be cautious with very hot or cold foods.

    Yes, you can resume your normal activities after a root canal. However, you might have some sensitivity for a few days. Regular oral hygiene practices should be resumed to keep the tooth clean.

    The root canal procedure is typically broken up into three separate appointments.

    No, the dentist will give you a local anesthetic, so you should not feel pain during the root canal procedure.

    The tooth should heal relatively quickly after the root canal procedure. A temporary crown will be placed initially, and later, a permanent crown will be fitted to keep the tooth strong.

    The success rate of initial root canal procedures is very high, with most studies showing 95% or higher success rates. However, there is a possibility of failure over time if the tooth becomes re-infected.

    A root canal usually takes 1-2 hours to complete. The first appointment where the infected pulp is removed takes the longest. Subsequent appointments for filling and crowns are shorter.

    Some risks include infection due to bacteria being left behind, nerve damage, cracks in the tooth, and re-infection if the tooth is not properly sealed. Proper care minimizes these risks.

    Severe tooth decay, chips/cracks from injury, improper dental work, tooth grinding, and repeated dental procedures can cause infections needing a root canal.

    Recovery time is usually 1-7 days. Patients are advised to eat soft foods and avoid chewing on the treated tooth until swelling goes down.

    With a proper restoration like a crown and good oral care, a root canal treated tooth can last a lifetime. The tooth longevity is similar to a natural healthy tooth.

    Common crowns after a root canal include porcelain fused to metal, ceramic, porcelain, and gold crowns. The dentist chooses the crown type based on the patient’s needs.

    Yes, root canals can fail if they become re-infected due to bacteria being left behind or the tooth not being properly sealed. This requires a root canal retreatment or apicoectomy.

    If a tooth becomes re-infected after a root canal, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics and recommend a root canal retreatment or apicoectomy procedure.

    Root canals can be performed on natural teeth only. If the tooth is an implant or fully crowned, the dentist may recommend extraction and implant replacement.

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