Signs You Might Need Bone Grafting for Dental Implants

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Do you need dental implants? Then you may also require bone grafting. Sometimes a patient may not have enough bone to secure the implants in the jaw properly, but by adding bone grafting, the implants have more support. The implants will then be able to heal properly and fuse to the bone. 

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure to transplant bone. It’s used to rebuild or replace a person’s bones. Dentists use bone grafting to fill in an area where there is missing bone. Think about a hole in your wall from a wall anchor. Maybe you once used the wall anchor to hold a curtain rod or wall shelf, but now the hole must be filled in. You fill the hole with a piece of drywall, just like the rest of the wall. Then the hole is smoothed over with a joint compound. 

That is essentially what happens during bone grafting. When a tooth falls out, there is a space where the tooth’s roots once were. Your mouth will fill in the space on its own over time unless the space is already filled. This will change the structure of your mouth and make adding dental implants much harder.

What Are the Signs You May Need Bone Grafting Surgery?

Your dentist can examine you and determine whether you need bone grafting as part of your dental implant surgery. The signs below are the most common indicators that you may need a bone graft to prepare you for your dental implants.

Missing Teeth for a Length of Time

Did you lose a tooth a while ago? The tissue surrounding the space where your tooth once was has likely started to collapse, and because the overall structure is not in place, you will likely need a bone graft to recreate a solid foundation for your dental implants to take hold.

Gum Disease Has Caused Deterioration

Have you had periodontal disease? This can negatively affect your oral health. Periodontal disease, also known as “gum disease,” can cause bone deterioration in your jawbone. The structure of your jawbone will change due to deterioration, meaning your new dental implants will not have the foundation needed to heal properly.

Jaw Injury

Have you experienced a past jaw injury? Any kind of significant trauma could have weakened your jawbone. Your dentist will need to examine your jaw to determine whether your injury was severe enough to cause deterioration and make a successful dental implant impossible without a bone graft.

Remember, just because you have experienced any of the above does not mean you require a bone graft. The experienced staff at The Dental Team can give you a thorough examination. We are a family-run business and only recommend procedures you need.

What Happens During Dental Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting for dental implants is a relatively simple procedure. Your dentist will use tiny bone particles to fill in the hole. Think of this as similar to patching a hole in the road. Your dentist will cover the hole with a sterile bandage after it is filled in, and once everything has healed, they will evaluate you to see if you can proceed with the dental implants.

What Are the Most Common Bone Graft Types?

There are a few different kinds of bone graft types. A bone graft can allow the bone tissue to regenerate when done properly, and this regeneration can fill in the space and ultimately replace the graft material. This results in a new region of bone. Procedures include:

Xenograft Tissue

These bone grafts come from animal tissue that is carefully sterilized and prepared for human use. They are commonly used in many surgeries, and while these grafts do not stimulate your body to create its own bone tissue, they are readily available and may heal minor deficiencies by themselves.

Alloplast Bone Grafts

These bone grafts can be made from synthetic or natural materials and are also commonly used in surgeries. These have similar advantages and drawbacks as xenographic tissue grafts.

Allograft Tissue

This method relies on the tissues of a donor person, and the donated material is thoroughly sterilized and processed to ensure the utmost safety for the recipient. 

Autograft Tissue

Particles of bone from other parts of your body are transplanted to where they are needed for the bone graft.

Other procedures may be used, but the above options are the most common. The dentist may recommend certain procedures over others depending on your specific needs. The experts at The Dental Team are experienced and highly trained in all bone grafting and dental implant procedures.

How Much Does Bone Grafting Cost?

Each bone graft and dental implant procedure timeline depends on the individual patient. The cost of your bone graft will be determined by your jawbone’s condition, and the amount of deterioration and time that has passed may affect the extent of the surgery. Your procedure may also vary depending on what kind of bone graft is best for you.

Your bone graft procedure investment will be affected by the source of your graft material. Getting the bone material from your own body increases the likelihood that the procedure will be successful. It is generally considered the safest kind of bone graft since your body is far less likely to reject a graft made from your own tissue. 

Talk to the Experts About Your Dental Implant Needs

Getting dental implants is an important step. Your oral health – and, therefore, your overall health – is at stake. The proper procedure can help you preserve your existing bone, and when a bone graft is necessary, it’s a well-established, trusted way to provide you with a long-lasting solution.

You’ll need expert care not only for the procedure itself but also to help you make the best, safest decision possible. The Dental Team has years of experience in all areas of dental care, and with ten locations, we are ready to help you with all your dental needs. Contact your local The Dental Team office to set up an appointment today.

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